Pregnancy Care & Antenatal Appointments at Create Health
The Create Health team look forward to welcoming you, getting to know you, caring for you during your pregnancy and being there at your baby’s birth.
Women usually have their first antenatal appointment with us between eight to nine weeks. Your first appointment is a very exciting time and is usually a longer visit as we have a lot to talk about. In an uncomplicated pregnancy and after your initial appointment you will usually see your obstetrician every four weeks until 28 weeks, then every two weeks until 36 weeks, then weekly until birth. In twin, multiple or complicated pregnancies, visits are determined by medical necessity.
At Create Health, we offer a range of holistic services to complement your specialist obstetrician's care. These include midwifery, physiotherapy and dietetics.
Our specialist midwife Michelle may see women throughout their pregnancy. These visits are usually in trimester two and three. She will carry out routine check-ups, discuss antenatal care, addressing common pregnancy concerns, diet and exercise and answer any questions. As a childbirth educator, Michelle has a wealth of experience. She will also discuss your birthing plans and any specific needs or requests you and your partner may have.
Initial tests |
Routine Tests and Screening: In the first trimester you may have the following tests:
At times your weight might be checked. |
Dating Scan (6-10 weeks) |
Screening for fetal chromosomal abnormalities (10 weeks onwards) |
Early Morphology Scan (12-14 weeks) |
Morphology Scan (20 weeks) |
Vaccinations |
Influenza (flu) - is safe at any point during pregnancy Pertussis (Whooping cough) - is generally recommended between 20-32 weeks of the pregnancy. Covid-19 vaccines - pregnant women are a priority group for the Covid-19 vaccine and can be offered the Pfizer vaccine (Comirnaty) and Spikevax (Moderna) at any stage of pregnancy. It is important to space vaccine injections by at least a week. For more information, please visit: Immunisation for pregnancy | Australian Government Department of Health RANZCOG - COVID-19 Vaccination Information For more information regarding vaccinations for newborns and infants please visit: Immunisation for infants and children | Australian Government Department of Health Vitamin K for newborn babies - Information for parents | NHMRC |
Glucose tolerance test (28 weeks) |
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (28-30 weeks) |
For more information on anxiety and depression in pregnancy, please visit: Anxiety and Depression in Early Parenthood And Pregnancy PDF |
Biometry (32-36 weeks) |
Group Beta Streptococcus (GBS swab) (36-38 weeks) |