COVID-19 Patient Update

COVID-19 Patient Update May 2022
What if I test positive to COVID-19?
Unvaccinated and vaccinated patients must now isolate for 7 days from the day of their initial test and be asymptomatic before they are able to attend face to face appointments. Telehealth consultations are available for all patients. Should you have any questions regarding about this, please contact the rooms and our admin team will be happy to assist. Call: 9873 6767.
Our COVID safe plan and proof of vaccination
Please note, proof of COVID-19 vaccination status and RAT testing is no longer required prior to your appointment.
Our COVID safe policy still applies within the practice; this includes the use of face masks, hand sanitiser and maintaining social distancing throughout the practice.
COVID-19 Patient Update Jan 14th 2022
COVIDSafe Plan Update
In light of the recent developments surrounding RAT and PCR testing, Create Health has revised its COVIDSafe plan.
What if I test positive to COVID-19?
Unvaccinated and vaccinated patients must now isolate for 10 days from the day of their initial test and be asymptomatic before they are able to attend face to face appointments. Telehealth consultations are available for all patients. Should you have any questions regarding these changes, please contact the rooms and our admin team will be happy to assist. Call: 9873 6767.
COVID-19 Vaccination Certificates
Patients are still required to send through their vaccination status/medical exemptions prior to their appointments.
Unvaccinated patients attending face to face appointments are strongly encouraged to perform a Rapid Antigen Test, just prior to their appointment.
We endeavour to continue to provide exemplary Women's Health care and our doctors and admin team are here to support you during this difficult time.
Please call 9873 6767 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this practice update or enquires regarding your treatment with us.
PRACTICE UPDATE for all patients: 13th September 2021
Based on DHHS guidance and advise in response to changing risks of COVID-19 transmission in the community, we have implemented some processes and interventions to mitigate the risks of COVID-19 transmission whilst providing appropriate care and safety for patients, staff and visitors.
We understand this is a very challenging time for everyone but we are dedicated to bringing you the best possible care. We are currently still able to continue face-to-face consultations at our practice, however we ask that patients attend on their own. Unfortunately, no partners, children or any family support members are permitted at this stage in order for us to minimise the number of people entering the premises. We also require all patients attending face-to-face appointments to complete a COVID swab test 48 hours prior to their appointment as a Negative result has to be presented upon entry. We kindly ask that patients remain in their vehicle and contact reception staff when you arrive before entering the building to ensure your specialist is running on schedule. We are required to limit the number of patients in the waiting areas. You must wear a face mask at all times as mandated by DHHS and scan QR code check in at entry. We encourage patients and all staff to use sanitiser when entering our practice and these are provided at every reception desks. Please note that if you have any symptoms or have been exposed to any COVID close contacts or been to any of the listed exposure sites, please advise our team prior to your appointment and we can offer telehealth appointments or reschedule your appointment accordingly.
Please follow us on Facebook or Instagram to stay up to date with clinic news.
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CreateHealthAU
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/createhealth_aus
COVID-19 Patient Update Jan 2021
On 26 January 2021, The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) released their Guidelines for the Covid-19 Vaccination in Pregnant and Breastfeeding women. Please view these Guidelines here.
As health professionals, the team at Create Health is monitoring the coronavirus situation and is taking the risk of infection very seriously. We are up to date with medical information from our Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, the Australian Medical Association, Victoria Health and our hospitals. The care we provide and the wellbeing of our patients, their families and our staff is a priority for us, and we have protection procedures in place.
What is Coronavirus?
The current outbreak of coronavirus is a new strain of flu, first detected in human patients in Wuhan, China in December 2019. The virus manifests with typical flu like symptoms including fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath and general breathing difficulties. Other symptoms may include runny nose, headache and fatigue. Some people infected with coronavirus may only experience mild symptoms and recover quickly while others may become very ill. This link provides useful information on the nature of coronavirus. https://www.health.vic.gov.au/department-of-health-and-human-services
Who is at risk?
Many Australians of all ages have been diagnosed with coronavirus to date. Indications are that the elderly (over 65 years) and people with pre-existing medical conditions such as heart and lung disease are more at risk of experiencing severe symptoms.
Pregnant women
As this is a new virus there is limited evidence on the impact this disease has on pregnancy and unborn children. It is expected most pregnant women will experience only mild or moderate cold/flu like symptoms and we do not believe that pregnant women are more susceptible to the virus. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists updates their FAQs relating to Covid-19 and pregnancy here: https://ranzcog.edu.au/statements-guidelines/covid-19-statement/information-for-pregnant-women
Couples undergoing fertility treatment
The Fertility Society of Australia recommends that individuals seeking to become pregnant naturally or by way of Assisted Reproductive Technology (IVF) should avoid non-essential travel to known areas of infection and avoid contact with individuals who may have become infected or have travelled to or from an area that is known to be of high risk.
We recommend that our patients; especially our pregnant ladies; avoid non-essential travel, where possible.
What precautions should you take?
If you are experiencing any of the earlier mentioned symptoms, please seek medical attention immediately by contacting your GP. If you have a scheduled appointment with us and feel unwell, please call ahead and understand that at this time we may not be able to treat you. Unlike a hospital or GP clinic, we do not have specific infectious disease control systems in our normal practice. We do encourage you to contact your GP quickly and before you feel extremely unwell.
If you have recently travelled overseas (in the last 14 days), please also advise us before attending an appointment. Further precautions to minimise your risk of infection:
- Wash your hands often with soap and running water, for at least 20 seconds. Dry with paper towel or a hand dryer.
- Try not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow.
- Stay at home if you feel sick. If you take medication make sure you have enough.
- Phone your doctor or the dedicated Coronavirus hotline 1800 675 398 if you need medical attention. They will advise you what to do. The hotline is available 24 hours per day/ 7 days per week.
- Continue healthy habits: exercise, drink water, eat well and get plenty of sleep.
- Wear a face mask as required by Victoria Health.
- Buy alcohol-based hand sanitiser with over 60% alcohol.
- Be vigilant and self-aware in public spaces and reduce direct exposure to unwell people.
We are open!
Rest assured that as medical specialists, we will continue to provide services. We continue to consult in rooms and via telehealth, be on-call for births and perform surgery. If circumstances change in the future, we will contact you.
The government has extended telehealth services to specialists including obstetrician and gynaecologists to support and care for women. We offer telehealth consultations for reviews, test results, initial consultations and any appointment that does not require a physical examination or scan. We can use computers, mobile phones, and even FaceTime. The options available will be determined by the type of consultation required and on the advice of your doctor.
Some other changes that you will see in our practice:
- To maximise social distancing, we have fewer and well-spaced chairs in our waiting rooms.
- Hand sanitiser is provided at the reception and we require that all visitors wash their hands upon arrival.
- Your temperature will be checked at the clinic prior to your appointment.
- All magazines have been removed from our waiting rooms.
It is still very important that if you are unwell, you call us before you attend your appointment.
Future updates
The coronavirus situation continues to change and we suggest that you use social media to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date. We post updates and share the latest health alerts and information with our patients on our social platforms.
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CreateHealthAU/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/createhealth_aus/
Remember, we are all in this together so let’s all play our part in keeping everyone safe. If you have any questions, please contact your doctor or refer to our social media.
Please note: This information is correct at the time of publication, 7 December2020
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