Create Health Blog
Michelle Sullivan  Midwife
5 Postpartum Things Your Midwife Wants You to Know
Yes, we’ve all heard “sleep when baby is sleeping” but taking time to rest when your little one is asleep is honestly THE BEST THING YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR RECOVERY! No matter how your baby arrives, your body needs to recuperate from the birth.
Breastfeeding What are the benefits?
There are many benefits to breastfeeding your baby but it is not always a journey that comes easily for many women. There are a number of things you can do to prepare and ready yourself for a successful breastfeeding experience.
Postnatal Wellbeing Appointment
Learn about our 3 week Postnatal Wellbeing appointment with our practice midwife, Michelle.
Pregnancy and Infant Loss; The Difficult Discussion and Help for Parents
One of the most difficult parts of working in maternity care is having to bring up discussions surrounding Pregnancy and Infant Loss.
Preparing your bags for hospital
Preparing for your hospital stay would possibly be easier if we knew exactly when it were to happen, however as it is commonly reported, only approximately 5% of babies are born on their actual due date. So when is a good time to pack your bags and what exactly should you be bringing to hospital?
Telehealth is Available
Here at Create Health, we are still open. We are very pleased to now offer telehealth O&G and midwife consultations for our women. You may not have used this service before as it provides remote health care services.
How to choose an obstetrician for pregnancy?
Finding out you are pregnant is one of the most exciting, joyful and exhilarating things you will experience in life. The dreaming, anticipation, imagining what will be; it can quickly become very consuming. From the moment your pregnancy is confirmed, planning can begin, and you rapidly learn that there are many choices and decisions to be made.