Create Health Blog
Dr Tom Manley
Postpartum Birth Control
In this blog we will explore some of the options for birth control (contraception) after having a baby. Some of the do’s and don’ts as well as some potential risks to avoid.
Top tips to boost fertility
Couples trying to conceive are always asking the create health fertility specialists about tips and tricks to improve their chances of making a baby.
Male Fertility
For most couples, trying to conceive is an exciting and stress-free time, but for about 1 in 6 couples this isn’t the case. In this blog, we’ll be focusing on male factor infertility, which affects a significant proportion of infertile couples.
Fertility and Natural Conception
Some of the do's and don'ts of making a baby. General lifestyle and health advice to optimise pregnancy chances.
Pregnancy and birth during a pandemic
All you need to know to keep you and your baby safe.
The covid-19 pandemic has made a dramatic impact on the way we currently live our lives. Particularly during pregnancy this can cause quite a lot of anxiety around what is safe and not safe to do.
Pregnancy myths
Pregnancy is a wonderful and exciting time but women often get confused by all the conflicting information about what they “can and can’t do” This blog answers the most common questions that Dr Tom Manley gets asked in antenatal visits. Let’s bust some myths!