Second Trimester of Pregnancy Your Action List

Now that the first three months of your pregnancy are over, you’re probably feeling a little more settled. You’re probably a little more comfortable announcing your pregnancy. Hopefully by now your morning sickness has subsided, and you’re anticipating those first baby movements and kicks.
Create Health Obstetrician Dr Mei Cheah shares with you her action list to guide you through the second trimester of pregnancy.
Attend all antenatal appointments
Your Create Health obstetrician and midwife will guide you through all required antenatal appointments and screening tests. Some will be essential, and others will be recommended but optional. You will be thoroughly informed to make shared decisions in your pregnancy journey.
Organise your maternity (likely virtual during COVID-19 pandemic) tours and pregnancy education classes
You’d probably know by now which hospital you’re wanting to be booked into for your confinement. Most hospitals will have their own antenatal classes (although not all will be running during this pandemic). Some of them will have online educational platforms to guide you through your pregnancy. Michelle Sullivan, Create Health midwife and Diabetes Educator also runs face-to-face bespoke antenatal classes tailored specifically to you and your partner in our spacious rooms with adequate social distancing. You may feel more comfortable having some hands-on support like how to safely hold and swaddle your baby, or you’ve had enough of Zoom meetings or online learning modules.
Make an announcement
Some wait until after the first trimester to announce their pregnancy to loved ones. This is often because the risks of miscarriage are reduced as the pregnancy continues.
You may also need to tell your employer about your pregnancy at this point, particularly if you work in a manual handling industry.
Finding out the gender
Decide with your partner if you would like to find out the baby’s gender. This can generally be seen through an ultrasound at about 20 weeks. You may also have found out during your early NIPT screening test. A gender reveal party may be in order now that restrictions are slowly being lifted. It’s an opportunity to celebrate and spend some time with loved ones before the arrival of your newborn baby. You can also choose not to find out and have a lovely surprise at birth!
Go shopping (with a legit excuse!)
You still have a fair bit of time to prepare to welcome your new baby to your family but it is wise to use this time to get organised.
Start writing a list of things you will need to buy and take your time to tick them off. From maternity clothes and cots through to nappies and everything in between. Do not forget the all-important car seat so you can take your baby home safely.
Slow down
It is natural to want to paint the nursery or redecorate the house at this point. We refer to this feeling as “nesting”. But always remember to take regular breaks and make time to relax. Allow family and friends to help you. Social and family support is important so you don’t burn out. Do remember to make time for self-care.
Keep tracking your pregnancy
If you are taking photos of your growing belly then keep it up as you will really start to 'pop' during the second trimester.
Don’t forget to keep track of your baby’s movements and there are some helpful apps that can assist with this.
Lastly, don’t forget to enjoy your second trimester, often referred to as the “honeymoon period” of pregnancy. Stay tuned for my last trimester tips!
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