Telehealth is Available

Here at Create Health, we are still open. We are very pleased to now offer telehealth O&G and midwife consultations for our women. You may not have used this service before as it provides remote health care services.
In response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic which has now reached the level of National Shutdown as advised by Prime Minister, Mr Scott Morrison on Sunday 22nd March 2020, we have implemented telehealth appointments via phone or video calls. This assists women requiring self-isolation for two weeks, and minimises the need for travel and physical contact.
The government is extending telehealth services to specialists including obstetrician and gynaecologists to support and care for women.
The telehealth service is available for most consultations and we are able to use computers, mobile phone, and even FaceTime. The options available will be determined by the type of consultation required and on the advice of your doctor.
The health of all of our patients is a priority for us and telehealth appointments will allow us to provide safe, quality care. If you have any questions about these appointments, please call our practice. The Create Health staff are available and will discuss these appointments with you.
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